My FREE email address is also MY free email address

Yes, I am using GMAIL as provider for my professional conversations. I also have a account which I only use for really really important stuff like bank, leasing, social security, … communication. This means that my primary inbox is gmail. This both for communication with people or application/account registration. And here is the topic of the day with that:

Screenshot 2014 08 09 01 13 54

Lead, leads, leads …

I know, I know. I’ve had this discussion dozens of times and it always comes down to these two major reasons:

  • We don’t want anonymous competitors downloading our software
  • We need your personal information to SPAM you as a new lead

I’ll leave the first reason to you for judgement. Personally if I trust my software, I wouldn’t mind my competitors using a public trial (not beta!). That second reason is where I’d like to focus our attention on for a moment.

It’s not you, it’s me

You do understand that everything is about perception, right? This is what the error message above is telling me: we don’t care about you, it’s about us! Think about this for a second. There are two main reasons why I would register with a free account:

  • It really is my account and I would love to get your information through this inbox
  • Although I am genuinely interested in the information behind this form, I don’t want your follow up emails

The result of this error message also has a twofold:

  • Because I really wanted to have the ad-hoc information, I registered through my business account and immediately unsubscribed after receiving the confirmation email.
  • I know that when I do so, you still have my email so I don’t submit the form as my privacy is more valuable to me than the information behind the form.
Have you noticed that by unsubscribing on my business account I won’t read your future information although I was not against it initially?

What is your intent?

By now you probably noticed I like twofolds. Let me give you another one. What is your intent as a vendor to provide me a whitepaper / webinar / free book?

  • You care about me and you would love me to come back for more on a future occasion
  • You don’t care about educating me and you just want my email address to ‘nurture’ my lead

Guess which one of the two I, as a potential future customer, are NOT interested in?

By the way, have you ever considered that gmail account could stay longer in my inbox than my professional account? If I was genuinly interested in your product, this alone should make you remove the error message.

FOOTNOTE: I know there are dozens of workarounds with alternative email addresses but that only confirms my message that this should not be necessary.

One comment

  1. This bothers me as well, although sites that don’t allow RFC-compliant email address extensions (i.e. rnovak+cheezburger@whatever) annoy me even more.

    My personal domain (Indyramp) predates most of the companies demanding registration, and was on the Internet before most people who work at those companies, so I have a built-in workaround and aggressive filtering on that one and even if I do register I probably won’t see their emails.

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